Strikethat4 Commissions

Hi everyone! I'm Strikethat4, a 17-year-old digital artist and aspiring Graphic Designer from the UK. I wanted to earn some money on the side so I made this commission sheet. My main art style is an imitation of the art from the visual novel 'Danganronpa' however I am making my own style which can also be bought.Disclaimer: Commissions will be updated over time when more recent examples are made.

Social Medias listed above


Prices (In United States Dollars)

StyleBustHalf BodyFull Body
Strikethat 4 Artstyle15 USD25 USD40 USD
Danganronpa Sprite Sketch5 USD15 USD20 USD
Danganronpa Sprite Line Art15 USD20 USD30 USD
Danganronpa Coloured Sprite20 USD25 USD40USD
Danganronpa Splash Art Sketch20 USD35 USD40 USD
Danganronpa Splash Art25 USD45 USD75 USD
Danganronpa CG75USD
Danganronpa Sprite EditsHalf price to relevant art piece (Example- Full body sprite edit = 20USD)

Terms of Services

-All Payment will be through PayPal
-I will ask you to pay half up front and the rest after the piece is completed
-I have the right to reject a commission if I don't find it to be comfortable
-Commissions will take between 1-2 months depending on the complexity
-Feel free to use it for whatever you see fit (Except in the production of Non-Fungible Tokens, I do not support them)
-I will not draw: Furry, NSFW, Complex designs, Offensive or Political content
-Please contact me through the social media listed in my 'About me' section or on my Discord @Strikethat4💙#2778